March Numerology 2023
Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know to get the best out of this month.
For anyone who needs to or is considering getting fit, getting involved in a sport, or wanting to up their game, this is the time in which to action it. The number one energy will help you to achieve and sustain realistic goals where activities are concerned. Meditation can be most helpful during this period and self-development programs and mantras can also be of benefit.
If you did a big clean out of your home under last month's nine energy, you should follow that up by making sure everything has its place; order is called for. This goes double for items that need some kind of filing system such as paperwork. Updating and reviving your living conditions, or for some, moving to a new environment may apply.
Opportunities can occur around networking and/or through social settings. Listen to conversations and advice during March and take the pearls of wisdom that applies to you or the situation you are experiencing to help guide you. If studying is a priority for you, this is the perfect energy for it.
If business is at the forefront of your mind, now is the time to breathe uniqueness and creativity into it, or for those who need to exert more leadership qualities, you should make it a priority to bring organisation where it may be lacking, act on your ideas or thoughts, and express yourself – be mindful of coming across as too dominant or obstinate though, nobody responds well to aggressive behaviour. If you’re on the opposite side of this, the employee, you might want to avoid getting into arguments or heated discussions with a superior. It’s best if you acknowledge what is being said and do your best to stay on top of things. Avoid conflict at work, but at the same time, if you’re being bullied by anyone within the workplace, you should take matters further by going through the correct channels.
Talking for the sake of talking won’t be conducive to you if you’re trying to get to the bottom of something or you are wanting to clear the air, it’s best to use constructive and relevant communication involving the subject. Useless and unwanted opinions are best left unsaid…
Nurture your relationships by contacting those you haven’t spoken to for some time, and/or make plans to connect in real-time… Some of you might find that the past rears its head, if this is the case for you, don’t allow it to affect you too much, rather, take the opportunity to learn and grow from the experience or the memory.
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