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Amanda E Burgess
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The Universal month is calculated by adding the current month to the current calendar year. November is the 11th month and the year is 2022, so we add those numbers together 1 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 which equals 17/8. Master numbers in numerology are powerful and testing numbers that can intensify their lower denomination, the number two – for the purpose of working out the vibration of November, I prefer to add the number eleven as a whole number to the current year.
Responsibilities around business, real estate and finances come under this vibration. It is a good opportunity to speak to your bank, especially where interest rates are concerned, and shop around for a better deal that you can lock in. Use good judgement and consider all of the factors when faced with important decisions, and if required, seek professional advice. The number eight is a karmic vibration, so if you are in a position of authority, do not be reckless or misuse your power in any way, otherwise, it will come back to bite you on your proverbial. Tap into your intuition for guidance in the choices you make around your personal life, and think about your family and home-based duties when prioritising your time.
If you feel a little worse for wear, this month is the opportune time to see your doctor or get a referral to see a specialist. Dental work may be on the cards for many of you during November, do not delay in making an appointment to have your teeth checked. Keep a close eye on stress levels and don’t allow your mind to run away from you. Allow for some downtime to relax. Affirmations can be energetically powerful now so use this to benefit your purposes.
The vibration of this universal month is associated with electricity, so if you have been contemplating getting solar panels for your home or it’s been a while since you compared your electricity company with others, make this a priority.
Old wounds can crop up. If this is the case, use it as an opportunity to examine this area of your life, and be honest with yourself and others. No matter what is going on in your life throughout November, try to face obstacles, obligations and fears, past and present, with a healthy attitude. Balance of your emotions and time and your ability to draw on inner strength will be key factors in how well you are able to handle whatever tests you face.